My name is Kaia. I’m 9 years old, & my birthday is on July 14, so I’m turning 10 super-duper soon! I have a super annoying little brother, as lots of you reading this probably do too. I have brown hair & brown eyes. I am also the shortest person in my class. But I’m the fastest to, which is pretty cool! I have 3 major best friends, Zoe, Katie & Ayla. They’re totally awesome & like the sisters i never had! Instead i got Koa. Bleagh. LOL. Anyway, on July 4th, which is the day the USA was discovered, we went to the parade, which was so cool, plus i got a ton of candy. But what was even better was the running races after the parade! I ran in the girls 8-9 race. & guess what place i got? 1ST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!! I got first place in the girls ra-ace! hey, that rhymes! (ROTF) July 4th is also my gramma’s b-day. But there are a few things you should know about me:
- Im obsessed with clothes and fashion
- I love interior designing
- I’m AWESOME at drawing people & landscapes & 3-D buildings
- I LOVE art
- I have multiple friends who are boys
- I have 1 BFFL (best friend for life) who is a boy
- I have 2 retainers
- I’m Chinese, Swedish, Hawaiian, & German (and whatever my dad is)
- I love reading (I read at a highschool level)
- I’m obsessed with Lego.
I hope you enjoyed my post!
Kaia M Richardson
Kaia, what a great first post! So proud of you! Can’t wait to see your next one.
Love, Mom
Awesome blog!
I love your post! Awesome and funny and fun. Someday…a long, long time from now, you may realize that your brother is a great blessing in your life. You are a great writer besides being a fast runner.
Gramma Linda
Great blog! Keep adding to it.
Nice work Kaia! Maybe someday you can teach Carmen how to write like this and set up this fancy blog stuff!
thx! maybe i will teach carmen when she is my age
Great post. “It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer.” Do you know what book that comes from?
Great post, Kaia! I can’t wait to read more! I’m putting your blog in my reader so I don’t miss a post! Hope you’re enjoying your summer.
Aunt Janette
whats with all the Koa hating??? He is a rad dude. #teamkoa